Security Breach – 12 Jul 2024


Security Breach – 12 Jul 2024

Cybercriminals are always looking for new ways to break into networks and systems, but sometimes they don’t have to. Many organisations are neglectful about patching their software and updating firmware to the newest version. This laxity gives cybercriminals the openings they need to slip past security to steal data or deploy ransomware, and they’re ready to exploit every crack in a company’s defenses. Analysts reported a 180% surge in cyberattacks that exploit vulnerabilities in 2023, nearly triple the 2022 average. As that statistic shows, patching and updating is mission critical. By ensuring that a company’s software, operating systems and firmware are up to date, businesses can significantly reduce their company’s risk of falling victim to these exploits. This proactive approach is essential in maintaining a robust security posture.

Recent Breaches


New Zealand – Elite Fitness – Sporting Goods Retailer

Exploit: Ransomware

Risk to Business: Severe: The DragonForce ransomware group has taken responsibility for a ransomware attack on the retailer Elite Fitness. The group claims to have stolen 5.31 gigabytes of data. Unusual activity from an unauthorised third party was detected on one of Elite Fitness’s systems on the night of June 26, 2024. While the company has not disclosed the specific types of data compromised, they have confirmed that both customers and staff are affected.

United States – Roblox – Gaming Platform

Exploit: Third-Party Data Breach

Risk to Business: Moderate: Gaming giant Roblox recently announced a data breach affecting attendees of the 2022, 2023, and 2024 Roblox Developer Conference (RDC). That event is promoted as a conference that helps developers network, learn and share knowledge with others through workshops and new tool presentations. The breach occurred through FNTech, the vendor managing conference registrations. The compromised data includes full names, email addresses, and IP addresses of attendees, with 10,386 unique email addresses affected.

Talk to a TCT team member today about implementing cyber security plan for your business.

Robert Brown

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